SD Feature, PbNation Sponsored

I couldn’t make this up if I wanted to.

PbNation, the site that was so against the NPPL and their Fox Sports deal, is now sponsoring a TV show called SD Feature. It’ll be aired on Colours TV on Dish Network and some cable companies in, count them, 4 states. It means that I, and no one I know, will be watching this on TV.

Also, it’s not really a paintball show. It’s a sports show that features paintball in maybe one or two episodes.

Each episode will feature one sport – Paintball, Martial Arts, or Surfing, with an emphasis on Paintball and the Martial Arts, along with segments that focus on music and fashion in today’s pop culture.

Yup, paintball, right next to martial arts and fashion on a barely available channel. This is going to be a hit!

But the interesting part of this is PbNation. I’m really tired of them making any sort of “news,” if you call this site that, but it’s too ironic to pass up.

They banned the NPPL becuse of it’s Fox Sports deal is now promoting it’s own (well, not it’s own, but they’re sponsoring it) TV show.

Kinda weird, don’t cha think? But they want to make sure everything is clear.

Guys lets keep the NPPL drama out of this thread.

PbN – Guys, no talking about the NPPL thing
Me – But, isn’t it kinda related?
PbN – No, now shut up
Me – But…

Seriously, either this is the worst timed press release ever or the whole PbNation NPPL thing just got a bit fishier. It’s starting to feel like a soap opera. I’m kinda having fun watching PbNation digging itself into a deeper hole.

Legacy Leaving NXL, Gary Shows Quitting Paintball

Chalk this one up on the rumor board. Legacy is leaving the NXL due mainly to monetary reasons, and Gary Shows is quitting paintball. Legacy placed 13th in Chicago standing 14th overall this year. The sources reporting the Legacy departure seem pretty reliable so I’m leaning toward that this is true. But, the Gary Shows rumor has only been mentioned a couple of times by not so reliable people.

I’ll keep an eye on this one and report back any new developments.

PbNation to NPPL, We’re Sorry, Kinda

pbnvsnppl-cropped.pngThe stupid saga of PbNation and NPPL continues.

Now, Ed won’t close the NPPL forum, but the ban on and are still there. Way to stand up for something only half-assed.

And the thread is now full of mods and admins trying to defend the owner’s dumbass actions. He should’ve never gotten involved in the first place. If anyone should’ve gotten involved, it would be MWAG, Derder, or Traumahead, not PbNation. But have any of them made a statement? Not to my knowledge. They’re keeping quiet, probably trying to talk to the NPPL or just let it happen and just filmed the other fields.

And, is any other site getting involved with this? Nope. They aren’t going to touch it with a 20 foot pole. It’s a bonehead move to ban the largest (or second, I don’t really know) tournament series.

And they’re still saying that they’re doing it for the “little guy”. Bullshit. When has PbNation been for the little guy? O, that’s right, never. This is all about the possible loss of revenue from MWAG.

Also, the supposed shaft they all were getting? Not so bad. The NPPL told them a week before hand and didn’t charge for the media passes, supposedly. Others, ones related to PbNation, are saying they got the Joan Collins special. I’m thinking no one has the facts straight, but I’ve got to side with the NPPL on this one until I hear otherwise.

But we still have ridiculous statements from mods.

So reminiscent of the Smart Parts thing. Rational thinking vs. Hype. Sacrifice morals for profit.

What? Why the hell haven’t you banned Smart Parts then? They’ve pulled so much more crap than the NPPL has ever done. But has PbNation ever made a stand against them? Hell no. I guess it’s probably due to all the money they give you to advertise. And you wonder why people doubt you.

All you care about is money. You care about paintball indirectly. It brings in the money, so you have to care about it. If you don’t, the money dries up.

To PbNation. You don’t find out how much power you have until you have none at all. You’re pretty close to none.

NPPL Boston Wrap-Up

The Boston NPPL has come to a close. It’s been an interesting one with Fox Sports filming it’s TV show, causing controversy by closing off the center field for filming by smaller companies, with PbNation being a dumbass the whole way.

But what about the important part, how the teams did? The Portland Naughty Dogs did great during the prelims, only losing 1 game, but failed to bring that momentum into the “Elite 8” where they finished 6th.

Dynasty, who made 4th in the prelims, went into the finals in the number 1 spot playing Infamous, while the All Americans played Joy Division.

Dynasty beat Infamous with 2 wins and a draw, while Joy Division beat the All Americans in 2 games.

For the semi-pro division, Texas native X-Factor took home the gold beating Aftermath. Rock-It Kids placed first in Division I taking out everybody’s favorite team, or not, HK in the “Elite 8.” SYP Epic and FYT won in Division II and III respectively.

Top 4 from each division:


  1. San Diego Dynasty
  2. Los Angeles Infamous
  3. Stockholm Joy Division
  4. Pittsburgh All Americans


  1. SA X-Factor
  2. SD Aftermath
  3. Boston Paintball
  4. Redz Infamy

Division I:

  1. Rock-It Kids
  2. Naughty by Nature
  3. Dynasty Entourage
  4. Miami Devious

Division II:

  1. SCP Epic
  2. NeX
  3. Splat Kids
  4. STD Factory

Division III:

  1. FYT
  2. Team RNT
  3. Air Assault Factory
  4. Storm Riders


PbNation to NPPL, We’re Hypocrites

pbnvsnppl-cropped.pngPbNation has made another post going into more detail about the whole NPPL issue.

Here’s the deal. The NPPL excluded films crews to film the center court, and only the center court, for the Boston NPPL. PbNation didn’t like this because it affects MWAG (they can give other reasons, but it’s MWAG), so they decide to exclude the NPPL in their forums by censoring NPPL sites like and and closing the NPPL forum, though that’s now up in the air.

Seems kinda childish and hypocritical to me. It’s like a kid getting his bottle taken away, so he takes the other kid’s toy away to make it even.

Let’s just go through some of the absolutely ridiculous statements he made.

We are and have been 100% in support of paintball leagues, including the NPPL.

That’s why we’re censoring NPPL sites and possibly closing the NPPL forums, because we support them.

Cutting media is not growing the sport it is going backwards.

Last time I checked, was media. You’re cutting them from the site. Seems like you’re causing the sport to go backwards.

MWAG didn’t ask us to do anything.

Possibly, but if it was some other company that you weren’t “best friends” with, would you still do this? Nope, you wouldn’t give them the time of the day.

Excluding isn’t the right thing to do.

Like excluding the NPPL from your forums?

PbNation placing the NPPL on the swear filter is a symbolic act at best as it will have almost no impact on the operations of the league, players or industry.

So when you add something to the swear filter, it doesn’t affect them? So I guess that whole Virtue crap was just a ruse.

I think I need to reconsider completing closing the NPPL forum. I’ll certainly do that in the next few days and as you know the NPPL forum is still open and was never closed.

Translation: I don’t have as much power over everyone as I thought I did, so I’m going to keep the NPPL forum open, since I almost screwed myself over and almost lost a lot of users.

So PbNation, fix it. Remove the sites from the swear filter and don’t touch the NPPL forum. You really are just digging yourself a deeper hole and pissing more people off with all of your shenanigans. If you keep it up, there will be a site to take your place just like you took PbCity’s place.