Happy New Year!

No, we’re not dead, yet.

So I kinda slacked off toward the end of this year, mainly due to school and doing other things in my free time that wouldn’t really give me a chance to write a post.

But this year, I hope to change that, a New Year’s resolution of sorts. I’m going to try to post 3-7 posts a week. I’m going to try a post every weekday. Now, I’m not just going to make up news, so if there happens to be no real news, then posts might dry up due to that.

If you want to stay up to date with us, you can subscribe to our RSS feed or subscribe via email (sends only once a day with updated post(s)).

I’m also planning on adding a couple sections to this site, though nothing that should take away from the whole posting of news aspect, and also might develop and launch a few more paintball related sites. They probably won’t be game changing or anything, but they might be good for a couple of minutes of entertainment.

If you have any suggestions or complaints or are just angry, just comment away.

Anyways, hope you had fun tonight and the rest of the year will be even better.

DM8 & PM8

Dye has issued a press rleease about it’s upcoming DM8 and PM8 markers. It’s pretty much the same ol’ schpeel. It’s a milled, slightly smaller version of last years marker.

There are a couple of other changes, such as the Hyper III reg, which is “totally redesigned” and completely badass now. Cool, I guess. And they now come with an ultralite frame.

Think I covered everything.


Xtreme Paintball – NPPL Enters The Can’t Categorize Shows Category

Since watching people play paintball on TV gets boring quickly. They think they’re going to have more luck with their new adventure entitled Xtreme Paintball. If you thought that was already a name of some crappy online store, you’re correct. I mentioned this earlier, but now it has a name and is starting tomorrow.

It’s a 13 episode series that follows around 9 players while they do things. It’s a fresh change from the filming of matches with the occasional 30-second interview at the end. I don’t think it’ll win any Emmy’s, but hopefully it’ll be able to keep my attention for more than a few episodes, which can’t be said about previous paintball TV shows.

It’s called a docudrama, though, unless it’s scripted, which would be a complete failure, it would fall in the category of a reality TV show. A docudrama would be something like Arrested Development, quite the sweet show, not something like Jackass. I guess docudrama sounds cooler and less used than reality tv show, even if it’s completely wrong.

Anyways, it starts tomorrow at 4:30 PM Eastern (and maybe Pacific) on FSN and continues every Tuesday till Christmas Day.

Here’s the promo:

Sorry For The Lack Of Posts

Classes started back up, meaning moving and lots of other things to do, so I’ve been busy. On top of that, my computer, or more precisely the network card, doesn’t feel like working well, and sometime not at all, so my whole posting groove isn’t there. I’ve cleared out most of my unread items in Google Reader so I’ll try to get back to posting.

If you want to write for us, it’s easy to do. Just go to the Write For Us page and follow the steps. I still have ready access to computers, so I can follow up and promote pretty quickly. I’ve removed the ads, or more precisely ad, that I added, so this is now more of a not for profit site. I’ll also get the licensing straight. Right now, I’ve informally said that the content on this site is under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license, with comments under a Public Domain license.

Also, the server has been having some problems, though the host finds no problems. I’ll probably be switching to a new host pretty soon in the future. It’ll probably be a shared server at 1&1 or a VPS at GoDaddy. If anyone has any suggestions, or want to donate me a server (though you’ll have, I think, 3 more sites hosted on it also), please let me know. I’m looking for a Linux box with PHP, Python, cron jobs, and SSH (though that’s not a necessity) with no contract or setup fees.