Paintball, Now The Premise Of A Horror Movie

Put this on the odd list. A paintball horror movie.

Here’s the description:

A truck rumbles down a potholed track. In the back sit a group of passengers, their eyes blindfolded. They don’t know each other, but they have a lot in common: they’re young, urban workaholics, with an appetite for extreme experiences. They’ve signed up for a weekend of adventure.

As they head out into the unknown, they hear the others breathing in the darkness, steadying their pulses in silence as the adrenaline begins to flow… The blindfolds come off to reveal in a dense forest. Each player is equipped with supplies to last the weekend, a powerful paintball gun, ammunition, maps and instructions. They have to complete an adventure trail that takes in ravines, caves and obstacle-ridden trekking paths. The group is split into two teams. The winners will be the team that wipes out their opponents and completes the circuit. They wanted adventure? They got it.

Deep in the woods, one group is ambushed. Invisible snipers pin them down in a hail of paint – then one of their number collapses, writhing in agony. Red blood mixes with the paint. Confusion reigns. Who is shooting at them? In the silence, they stare round at each other, and into the forest, looking for a traitor – or some kind of explanation. The rules of the game have changed. The only law is the law of the jungle, and nobody trusts anybody else. Hidden among the trees, camouflaged by leaves and branches, there are deadly traps. Hunted down like prey in a lethal game, the teams face a desperate struggle for survival. There’s nothing like a brush with death to make you feel alive.

It doesn’t even have an IMDB listing yet, so I have no clue when this coming out, or where. But sadly, it looks to be a Spanish movie in Spanish. Damn. Who knows if we’ll ever see it in the states, but if there are any new developments, I’ll be sure to post them, because how could such an awesome movie go unheard of.

PSP, Look At This Great Stadium

sm-psp-new-logo.gifWe’ll be playing in soccer fields next to it.

The PSP announced their next event, the Phoenix Open. Hooray. I guess. The closest they’re probably getting to Texas again.

Anyways, in their press release, they go into detail about how the University of Phoenix stadium is the best stadium evar!!11! Then goes into to say whats around there, like an AMC, because those are so rare. It’s not like I have 2 within 5 miles of me; I would just have to chose to turn left or right, though I actually I go to the Cinemark that’s even closer.

There’s also the (really, Arena just down the street. They’ll be hosting some Pepsi concert thing on Super Bowl weekend (that’s in January/Feburary). How cool. But during the tournament, you can see the Coyotes vs the Canucks or the Oilers. I’m sure those will be great games, since Arizona is such a birth place for great hockey players. They’re currently 6-10-1 at home.

If that doesn’t have you won over, too bad. There aren’t anymore reasons to go. Sorry. I think some paintball tournament might be happening there, but I didn’t really read anything about that though.

ICD, No More Paintball For Us

icdlogo.jpgAha, there is news. I knew it.

Indian Creek Design, ICD, the company that made mediocre guns like the Freestyle, Promaster, BKO, and the B2K, is now getting out of the paintball business. And since they didn’t have any business but paintball business, it means they’re going out of business.

Vaporworks, a company that makes custom parts for bushies and freestyles, is taking over the servicing.

ICD’s time came and went. They did decently with their BKO and Bushmaster back in the day, but newer and better guns kept coming along. They tried to make a come back with the Freestyle and Promaster, but with neither really took off. They had a following, just nowhere near as big as others. Mainly because the guns just weren’t that great and you could get better, or what people thought to be better, for less. Was the Freestyle a good gun? Yes. Great? No. It worked, it was light, it was quiet, but it just wasn’t that spectacular.

Also, ICD name just wasn’t that well respected. People remember their old BKO or bushy, remember having problems with it (caused by themselves or not, it doesn’t matter), and couldn’t think of ICD as really anything else. The same can be said about Spyder. If they do make a high-end, most people will shun it off because, it’s, well, Spyder.

Some will most definitely point at Smart Parts and other bigger companies pushing out the smaller companies. That may be part of the case, but really, ICD had made nice, cool markers, they could still be in it, but you have small companies like Dangerous Power (with a name like that, how could you lose) coming into the game, and doing pretty well for themselves. True, they get nowhere near as many sales as the bigger companies, but they are there, and as time goes by will probably still be there.

Anyways, here’s the whole post on ICDO.

Taking on more work! Send it our way!

Vaporworks was one of the first factory certified repair centers for ICD markers outside of the factory. Now after nearly 8 years of servicing these paintball markers, ICD is handing the reigns to us. They are stepping away from the paintball business and we are taking over their service work for them. In the new year, ICD will stop doing all service work on their markers and sending customers to Vaporworks for repair and service work.

We have long been a doing our best to support ICD products and will now do our best to carry on work on their markers for them. You’ll get the same service level you’d expect from ICD, only in Kansas instead of Idaho!

More Tournament Dates

Todays news is just about as exciting as yesterdays and just about as old.

First we have the PSP, which sadly, isn’t coming anywhere near Texas.

Event #1
Dates: March 6th-9th
Location: TBD – Phoenix, AZ or Southern California
Mid-Atlantic Open
Dates: May 8th-11th
Location: PBC Sports Park, Rock Hill, SC
Chicago Open
Dates: June 25th-29th
Location: Bolingbrook Recreation and Aquatic Center, Bolingbrook, IL
Northeast Open
Dates: August 14th-17th
Location: All American Paintball Park, Greensburg, PA
World Cup*
Dates: October 20th-26th
Location: Disney’s Wide World of Sports® Complex, Orlando, FL

The we have the Millennium Series, which has a huge lake between it and Texas.

4th – 6th of April: Iberia
23rd – 25th of May: London or Germany
4th – 6th of July: Toulouse
5th – 7th of September: Germany or London
10th – 12th of October: Paris

Then we have the NEPL, which manages to stay almost 2000 miles away the whole time, assuming they’re at Cape Cod Paintball for each event like last time.

Event 1: April 27, 2008
Event 2: June 8, 2008
Event 3: August 3, 2008
Event 4: September 14, 2008
Event 5: November 2, 2008

Sorry for the lackluster posts. This isn’t too much of a triumphant return. News should start picking up sometime soon hopefully.

NPPL 2008 Dates

I know these are kinda old, but they are interesting, mainly because they are coming to Houston, which is awesome.

The PSP came to Texas couple of years ago, and it was a pretty big failure, but hopefully this time it won’t be freezing and since more people live in Houston than in Round Rock, kids shouldn’t go as crazy as they did last time.

They’re also heading to New York, supposedly for people from Toronto. Heading to Toronto would be even cooler, but whatever.

Anyways, here are the dates:

March 28 – 30, 2008 (Confirmed)
On the Beach
Huntington Beach, California

May 16 – 18, 2008 (Confirmed)
Jacksonville Municipal Stadium
Home of the Jacksonville Jaguars
Jacksonville, Florida

July 18 – 20, 2008 (Confirmed)
Ralph Wilson Stadium
Home of the Buffalo Bills
Buffalo, New York

September 19 – 21, 2008 (Confirmed)
Reliant Stadium
Home of the Houston Texans
Houston, Texas

November 14 – 16, 2008*
Qualcomm Stadium
Home of the San Diego Chargers
San Diego, California