68Caliber.com. Still Causing Drama.

About a month ago, someone alerted me to a usenet posting from some fed up advertiser. I was going to write about it, but never finished the post. Then someone emailed with the same post from rec.sport.paintball, whose named happened to be “Paintball Truth.” So screw it, here’s the post:

Is 68caliber misleading it’s advertisers?

As a prospective advertiser in the paintball world, we’ve been looking for high quality paintball sites to advertise on and promote our products. Advertising budgets are tight, to say the least, and we actively seek to get the most out of our dollar from a value added standpoint. In short, we want to get the biggest bang out of our buck. So we do research on all our potential sites we might advertise on.

While we found some fantastic places to start our new ventures, I want to warn other advertisers about one in particular: 68caliber.com
Do not, I repeat, do not advertise there.

Bold statement from an anonymous source right? I better have some facts to back it up right? Well, I do.

First, let’s go over what we are shown. This is what I see when looking for potential places to advertise. We first see their background logo:

“The best advertising deal in the industry
Seen up to a half million times per day!”

Wow. Sounds impressive. I would love to get my ad shown to that many people. That means that my ad will be viewed 15 million times in 30 days. That’s great exposure. Of course it only says “up to”, so it might be a little bit less. So even 10 million times in a month would be fantastic if the price is right. So what is the price? With prices ranging anywhere from $150 to $500 and up per month (depending on a 1 month or 12 month contract, the prices vary). But let’s say I just wanted 1 month, and it was $500 for that month. It might be worth my while if I’m getting that many views.

So being interested still, I looked into it further. What I found out, is that these statistics where no where near the truth.
After seeing the pbnation report on other paintball sites, and seeing 68caliber on the bottom of the list, and not even showing in some cases; In the Top 20 Total Monthly Unique Visitors, 68caliber doesn’t even show up.

So I dove into this deeper. I didn’t see their site using any qualified programs to gather web traffic usage. Google Analytics is a very popular one, and is free. Most people use this. But I did not see the javascript code for it, or any other code for that fact. I assumed they must have just been using the server stats (which is a poor measure, and why no one uses it).

Sure enough, the page existed: http://www.68caliber.com/plesk-stat/webstat/

Upon seeing their true stats, from their own server, only then did I realize I was trying to be taken.

Using their May statistics as a bellwether, as it was the last full month as of this writing, we can plainly see that a half million visits can not be true. On the contrary, for the entire month of May, their total visits was only 289,086 – a far cry from the half million a day I was lead to believe from their own background image. It took an entire month, just to get half way to what I was sold on for a day! Tsk, tsk.

Even if we use the hits as a method of tracking (no one uses hits, as a hit just means a request to the server. So one person with one visit can be dozens of hits), we don’t come close to their self-proclaimed stats.

So of those 289,086 visits, how many were unique? We dive in deeper to find a bigger conspiracy. We look at the top 30 referrers to this site in their own stats and find:

The top referrer? The top referrer is the website http://www.default-domain.com , with 156,425 of the total visits. That’s over 50% of their stats coming from one person. So who is default-domain?

Default-domain.com is a web hosting service. When you go to their link, it brings you to http://www.1and1.com , it’s the same page, just a different name.
Now you look up 68caliber.com in whois – http://www.whois.sc/68caliber.com

Who is 68caliber’s web hosting company / name server ? It is also 1and1.com

What does all this technical information mean? It means that as of last month, over half of their hits and visits came from themselves. Now whether that means was on purpose to bolster their stats, or by accident due to a coding method to create their RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feeds, the end result is the same.
While I have nothing against Dale, and the fine job he does reporting the news, I just can’t see doing business with them, and foresee the eventual demise of the site. Even their forums and site is outdated. More than half their forum sections were last updated back in 2007 and some last done in 2006, and one of their front page bold and highlighted features: E-Money Show ( http://www.68caliber.com/emoney.php )was last updated in 2006. I don’t see a reason to keep that section highlighted anymore.

In short, I will not be advertising with 68caliber.com Their statistics don’t even come close to those we are led to believe, even when bolstered by their own servers, this month alone, 68caliber’s stats from their own server is over 66 percent from their own domain.

Of course, if I’m wrong here, and I can’t read the numbers correctly, I’d be happy for 68caliber.com to correct [email protected]

He mentions that most of the views come from 68caliber themselves. Pretty sure that this is due to the fact that for portions of their front page make HTTP request to their own server to display parts like Top Stories and News. I guess just doing SQL queries in the page is complicated, but whatever.

Also, I don’t believe they have RSS feeds. They have “syndicate” things, which are just javascript widgets that you put on your site. In order to do that though, they do use JSON feeds. If there are RSS feeds, please enlighten me.

And our traffic? It’s more like a few hundred a day.

X Paintball: Beyond the Paint

I happened to be channel surfing and it seems that season 2 of X paintball: Beyond the paint has begun airing today. It airs at 4:30ct on fsn. I only saw a couple of episodes from the first season because I had class when it aired last year so I’m not entirely sure if anything is different from last season.

The show started with coverage from NPPL Jacksonville 2008 and interviews with many of the top pros. They talked about future events so they may be covering those events as well but that’s unlikely due to amount of time needed for video editing. It’s pretty much the same show from what I know, just with new footage. It’s still not as good as the ESPN coverage of Commander’s Cup in 2006 then again Beyond the Paint has a slightly different direction with the show. Still, it’s nice to see paintball on tv at a decent time.

Sponsors for the show are Spyder, KEE, Rockstar Energy Drinks, JT Sports, and the United States Marine Corps.

Deathstix Barrel Kits

This is the second version  of the Deathstix barrel kit and are brought to you by paintball assassin These barrels are carbon fiber,have 5to 5 porting and come in 14″,16″, and 24″. The kit includes 4 interchangeable backs (.686, .689, .692, and  .695) and a fancy hard case for your barrel carrying needs. Deathstix barrels can be purchased at paintballshop.com.

Prices are:

14” Deathstix Kit will cost $154.99
16” Deathstix Kit will cost $164.99
24” Tactical Sniper Tip is $179.99
Plus $15 shipping/kit anywhere in the world(paintballshop.com is located in the land down under, Australia)

2008 Chicago PSP Results


1st – Tampa Bay Damage

2nd – Escondido/San Diego Aftermath

X-Ball D1:

1st – RNT Allstarz

2nd – Vicious

3rd – Damage D1

4th –  TX Justice League

X-Ball D2:

1st – Cross-eyed Paintball

2nd – Raiden

3rd – Fierce

4th – Warped Army

X-Ball D3:

1st – Velocity Wrecking Crew

2nd – Fierce Heat

3rd – DSSP8INTBALL.com

4th – Chicago Wise Guys

5-man D2:

1st – Team RNT

2nd – Dark Army

3rd – Rogue

4th – Pintura Fresca

5-man D3:

1st – Boom

2nd – Wyldside

3rd – PG Style

4th – Storm

5-man d4:

1st – Total Karnage Kids

2nd – Texas Select

3rd – 100 proof Paintball

4th – Vivid

I don’t know the scores from the all-star games but I do know that the East won the first 2 matches and the third went to the West(more than likely a mercy victory).