Smart Parts has released new black background Epiphanies. The white on black one looks especially sexy.
Don’t Link to According to Them, It’s Illegal., which I’m not going to link to, ever again, has a nice friendly article saying that they don’t allow anyone to reproduce their articles.
That’s understandable. No one wants someone taking your whole articles and reproducing them somewhere else claiming them as their own. That’s just not that cool.
But they don’t stop there. You now need permission to link to their articles. Yes, you have to put in an application just to link to their articles. How’s that for idiotic?
People go to your site by linking to it. If no one links to it, no one goes to it. If no one links to it, your SERP placement is going to fall.
They’re shooting themselves in the foot. Being over protective of your content doesn’t really help. I’m sure most people won’t even notice or care about your restrictions. That’s just the way it is. Put some sort of blocks in (you already don’t have a full content RSS feed) or offer something good and entertaining so people actually want to go to your site.
Plus, they’re actually being pretty hypocritical. If they don’t want people link to their article, they should add Disallow: /
to their robots.txt so now search engine or whatever will index their site. They’re clearly linking to them. They should be stopped to.
But I’ve got a deal. If they’ll say that they’ll allow anyone, and not just this site, to link to them, like I’m pretty sure everyone can legally do, then I might start reading and linking to their stories again. If not, I can easily get content from hundreds of other sources. acquires Correct spelling not required.
So the site (yes, their name includes the .net part), acquires Not sure what the whole terms were, but I think it went something like this:– Hey, I’ll give $50 for– $50? Hell yeah, man. Should we warn people of this?– No, no, they’ll be more likely to leave them. Let’s just surprise them one day.– Sweet. Can’t wait till I get that $50.
And since they didn’t tell any of the pb-addict members, everyone is mad about it. All 3 of them. Maybe 4.
And what about the traffic? Basically crap. is leading the pack, but it has about the same or lower reach than my personal blog.
And you also have to love how he misspelled ‘acquires’ in the title of his post. What, your spell checker doesn’t work in text boxes?
But enough on pointless acquisitions today, back to news that might affect more than 5 people.
PSP World Cup
New Dark SL74 Color
Dark SL74 is now available in dust khaki and gloss red. Have fun getting one, since only 20 will be made.