Advanced NPPL Ref Course

Want to be a referee for the NPPL Chicago Open? Well, now is your chance to become an official NPPL ref by attending their advanced ref course at CPX.

When: May 7 and 8, 2011
Where: CPX Sports Park
Cost: $100.00 (Free if you have reffed an NPPL event in 2009 or 2010)

The ref clinic is two days and goes from 8am – 4pm. Participants will learn everything needed to be a NPPL referee and will get to learn by reffing pro team Chicago Legend.

For an application or for further information, please call or email Valerie Evans at or (714) 758-5575

PSP Ref Clinic in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania PSP Referee Certification Clinic has been confirmed for April 16, 2011 & April 17, 2011 and will be held at Wanna-Play Paintball in Dillsburg, PA.

What: PSP Official Referee Certification, 2 day clinic
When: April 16th & April 17th, 2011
Where: Wanna-Play Paintball
Register: ALL attendees must pre-register by calling WPPs Pro Shop at 717-432-7997
Cost: $85.00
Class Limit: 50 people
Suggested Minimum Age: 16

Clinic Includes:
Classroom training
Topics covered to include, but not limited to:
– Rules
– Positioning
– Safety
– Presentation
– Attitude
Written test on PSP rules & in-game situations
On field training!
Performance evaluation in key areas
PSP rulebook, including all Divisional RaceTo-2/4/5/7
Certificate of clinic completion*

Agenda: (Bring your gear and be prepared to ref live games)
– Check in begins at 10:00 am, classroom training to begin at 10:30 am
– Clinic ends at 4:30 pm
– Classroom begins at 10:00 am, live scrimmage reffing
– Clinic ends at 3:00 pm


Registration for the Pennsylvania PSP Referee Certification Clinic will be open immediately by calling the Wanna-Play Paintball Pro Shop at 717-432-7997.

If all spots are not filled before the clinic, limited walkup registration MAY be available.
Any questions can be directed to Tim Schroepfer at
(Walkup registration fees must be paid in cash on the first day of the clinic)

*Attendance/participation in the PSP certification clinic does not guarantee that you will be called upon to judge a national event for the PSP.

***All attendees must fill out a field waiver prior to participating in any on-field reffing***

Become PSP/CFOA Ref Certified

The CFOA will be having a CFOA and PSP referee certification clinic instructed by the PSP Head Ref Tim Schroepfer on Feb. 19th and 20th in Rock Hill, SC. If you are interested in working as a referee for the PSP or the CFOA, attendance of this event is required in order to receive your certification. All future, and current referees must attend!

Registration can be made through the APPA website or by contacting Brian Radford at

All attendees should also contact for final details.

Ref Needed for NPPL 2010 DC Challenge

The DC Challenge will be taking place on August 6-8, 2010.

The NPPL will host a Pro referee tryout and practice session July 17th and 18th at Pev’s Tournament Complex 9am-4pm.

The Referee tryout and certification course will consist of a vigorous program where rules, positioning and communication will be taught, demonstrated and reviewed. Referees need to be prepared to take a test on the rules so make sure to read the rule book and bring it to the course it’s our bible.

Please Call or email Valerie for ref application by Friday July 14th, 2010.

NPPL Head office 714-758-5575


Full certification is $80.00. To tryout is no charge.

NPPL Ref Tryout

The NPPL is having referee tryouts for NPPL Chicago on May 16, 2010 at CPX Sports Park. It will be from 8am – 4pm. Participants will have the opportunity to ref pro NPPL team, Chicago Legend.

The referee program will teach you the rules, positioning and communication. A test will be administered to those that wish to be certified. Call or email Valerie for ref application.

Full certification is $80.00 to tryout is no charge.

Teams are welcome to go out and practice on the Chicago Open layout. Not only would you get to learn the field better but play with professional reffing.