PSP 2K9 Phoenix Open

The first event of the year for PSP will be in Phoenix, AZ from February 19-22 at the Glendale Youth Soccer Complex at the University of Phoenix Stadium. Registration for this event was supposed to begin today, January 5, 2009; but has been postponed to January 9, 2009 because of some roster and classification issues.

Entry fees:
– Pro: $3,950
– Semi-Pro: $2,950
– D1: $2,800
– D2: $2,500
– D3: $2,350
– D3 Intro/Div: $1,950
-D3 5-man: $1,100
-D4 5-man: $950

PSP Changes for 2009

Due to the economic downfall of our country, PSP has decided to make some changes to their format for 2009.

Roster Size:
– Pro: 8
– Semi-Pro: 8-10
– D1, D2, D3: 7-10
– D3 5-man, D4 5-man: 5-8

Game Time
– Pro: 20min/race to 7pts
– Semi-Pro: 20min/race to 7pts
– D1, D2: 15min/race to 5pts
– D3: 10min/race to 4pts
– D3 5-man, D4 5-man: 5mins/pt, race to 2pts

Rate of Fire
– Pro & Semi-Pro: 12bps
– D1, D2, D3, D4: 10bps

Pro & Semi-Pro: 1min & 2min
– D1, D2, D3, D4: 1 for 1, 2 for 1

Virtue Banners


High Quality Tradeshow Vinyl Banners are Now Available! These are the same durable vinyl banners we use at our tradeshows. Decorate your room, field, store, or garage! Makes a great gift item from the “paintball mom” who doesn’t know what to buy.

  • Grommets spaced out evenly on all sides.
  • Heavy Duty, Fade, Tear, and Water resistant Vinyl Banner.
  • Chrome plated hanging grommets in each corner.
  • Available in 10ft x 8ft and 5ft x 4ft sizes.

Cost of Virtue Banners

10ft x 8ft:  $99.99

5ft x 4ft:  $34.99

New Virtue Belts


The new Virtue leather belt is back and more stylish than ever. Two color, 100% printing all around the surface, and lined with silver grommets. The double grommet holes allow each belt to accommodate a large variety of sizes so if you lose weight or gain a few extra pounds you won’t have to buy a new belt!

Sizes available : 21- 40
Colors available: black or white
Price:  $24.99



Rate of Fire
– Pro & Semi-Pro: 12bps
– D1, D2, D3, D4: 10bps

I’m sure many of you have heard the rumors that the PSP will be reducing the rate of fire for each division. From the information that I have gathered, there is no official number for the rate of fire but it will definitely be lowered. The rumored RoF’s for Pro & Semi Pro; 12bps, D1-D3 10bps, D4-D5 8bps.

The following was was taken from PBNation from a post by Lane Wright, guy who runs PSP.

“First, I want to clear up the “ignorant” comment. I meant ignorant as it is defined — unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge

If you’re me to present you with the “numbers” of other companies in order to gain your trust, that isn’t something that I can do.

I can give you this number — a group of people who contribute 1.1 million into our 2.4 million dollar operating budget say they want a lower ROF. When it gets right down to it, that’s the basis of the decision.

I agree with their interpretation of THEIR numbers and why this is what they want. I also recognize that above and beyond what they pay PSP, they put additional millions into the teams. What they want is paramount in what I do going forward. It has to be.

You are correct that I should probably “act” a little more professional. But it would be just that – an act. I’m not professional. I don’t pretend to be professional. Honestly, I don’t think it is either one of the more important or more highly regarded qualities needed to do my job well.

I don’t dress professionally. I don’t look professional. I don’t act professional. I’m not a professional. I am a paintball player who happens to get into a position to make decisions for PSP.

The rate of fire is going to be lowered. That is an absolute fact.

You guys can talk about it, complain about it, discuss the heck out of it. But the fact remains, I believe that the best thing to do for all involved is to lower the ROF.

I didn’t make this decision one night at dinner. This has been discussed and thought about for months.

I have information that isn’t, nor is it going to be, available to the masses. That’s just the way it is.

The game will still be fun for just about everyone. The best teams will still win. The best players will still be the best players. Tournament paintball will go on. Next year no one will be complaining about this. 5 years from now, no one will even remember this. I have been through dozens and dozens of changes that “everyone” said exactly this same type stuff about. Just about every one of those decisions was a good decision.

The 2 that i think were wrong —

Separating the NXL from everything.
Increasing the rate of fire because we had the technology.

Both are being corrected (my opinion).”