New Impulse Specs and Pics


True to its heritage, the Impulse is a stacked tube marker, but this isn’t just a modification of the Classic, it is an all new marker with a more compact design, and numerous new features including:

* Pressure balanced poppet valve allowing 1700 to 1800 shots from a 4500 psi 68ci system
* Dual regulation allowing extremely low bolt force and eliminating kick
* Air buffered firing piston shoots smoother with less vibration
* Ultra-compact in-grip regulators reduce forward weight for improved balance
* Hose-free design eliminating common leak points
* Rechargeable lithium polymer battery powering the Impulse through approximately 100,000 shots per charge
* Hinged Vision eye covers open without tools for cleaning and aren’t easily lost because they stay attached to the marker
* Volume chamber fore-grip eliminates shoot-down
* Modular body design allowing for fast repairs and mix-and-match color styling
* Freak compatible barrel system accepts bore inserts for changing paint sizes
* Trigger based programming with modes for all major leagues and scenario use
* Q-Lock feedneck quickly clamps and adjusts to all high performance hoppers

“The keys to the new Impulse design are its valve and regulators.” says Hans Semelsberger, Smart Parts’ Director of Technical Sales. “Most poppet valves are pushed closed by the air inside, so when the pressure is right for good efficiency, you have to hit them pretty hard to knock them open, and that shakes the gun, throwing off your aim. Our pressure balanced valve lets the air pressure push forward and backwards on the valve core at the same time. Those forces cancel each other out and the valve opens easily regardless of the pressure inside. It’s so soft, I can push it open with my little finger. Because the valve opens so easily, we are able to use two-stage regulation to drive the firing piston with very low pressure gas. That makes the Impulse gentle on paint, and lets it shoot without kick.”

The new Impulse will be at PSP Chicago. I’ll be sure to get some pics the actual gun then.

Young Guns Tourney at PSP Chicago

This tourney is FREE for players between the ages of 12-18 and that have no PSP or national level experience. Players will abide by modified PSP rules under the race to 2 format. Guns are capped at 8bps and players are allotted only 150 paintballs. Guns and paint will be supplied at the event. There is a 24 team max and teams must purchase at least 5 APPA id’s.

Young Guns Tourney
– FREE (Must purchase at least 5 id’s…that’s where they get ya)
– Ages 12-18
– Race to 2
– 8 BPS
– Hopper Ball
– 24 Team Cap

PSP Introduces New Divisions at Chicago 2009

DIV RaceTo-4 has been added for this event and will be an opportunity for teams to try the back-to-back point format of RaceTo-4. Only two D3 players will be allowed on a D4 roster.

Teams competing in DIV RaceTo-4 can register onsite at the event beginning on Tuesday, June 23rd. Competition will begin on Wednesday and run through Sunday. The first and second place teams will receive ½ off an entry fee for DIV RaceTo-4 at the 2009 World Cup! Prizes are non-transferrable and will only be valid for that event.

Classification Roster Size Game Time Max ROF Penalties
DIV 5 to 8 10 10bps 1-4-1’s & 2-4-1’s

The Chicago Open will also host DII RaceTo-2. This is the only division open to players that are also playing RaceTo-4 and RaceTo-5. Only one D1 player will be allowed per roster. No Semi-Pro or Pro players will be allowed. For classification purposes, this event will only count as D3.

Registration for DII RaceTo-2 will remain open until Friday, June 26th for those teams that just can’t get enough play time. Competition will run Saturday and Sunday.

Please note that while the DII RaceTo-2 preliminary rounds will not conflict with DII RaceTo-5 or DIII RaceTo-4, it is possible for later rounds to overlap with finals. No adjustments or refunds will be made for conflicting schedules resulting from players playing in both DII RaceTo-2 and another division.

Smart Parts Impulse Back Again


Looks like Smart Parts is planing on bringing back the Impulse. It is supposedly going to cost around $1000 and may resemble an Ego. It will be unveiled in Germany at Millennium and will be available for purchase to US players at PSP Chicago Open.