NXe has realesed a new design for their elbow pads. The Techna-flex elbow sheield is significantly better looking than the previous design; mainly for the fact that it’s black. Seeing as it is an armpad, it is not that much different from any other arm pad out on the market. Additionally, like most arm pads, NXe’s armpad also has breathable neoprene and moisture wicking lycra.
One difference though, is that the outer layer of the pad is made from ballistic nylon and is skid resistant. So sliding around on those rocky or rough surfaces should keep the integrity of your armpads intact. Another unique characteristic of these armpads is that they have a three tier securing system. The purpose of the system is to make sure that the arm pad does not move around during play. The first tier is a hand sleeve, much like planet eclipse’s arm pads. The second is a wrist fastening strap which is supposed to “anchor” your arm pad. And the third tier is an upper arm or bicep strap which, apparently, is cusioned. This strap further holds the pad in place, preventing it from sliding down on anyone who has a skinny arm.
The price for the new NXe Techna-flex Elbow Shield is $49.99. Sizes available are S/M, L, and XL.