NPPL Coming Back On TV

The NPPL just announced on their feed that they have reached an agreement with Fox Sports Net to air the NPPL starting in September October and going to Christmas. It will consist of a 13 episode run airing on 4:30 on Tuesdays. They will begin filming at Boston and Kansas City, though mostly at Boston. The show is supposed to consist more on the paintball lifestyle than just the games.

They also stated possible locations that the Commander Cup might be. The first, and most awesome, is Texas, with the other one being Phoenix, or just somewhere in Arizona. I hope it it’s Texas, since that would allow me to go there.


They just sent out an email with more details

In a live webcast earlier today through, the President of the National Professional Paintball League (NPPL) Shawn Walker announced that the NPPL will launch a television show on Fox Sports Net this fall. While some of the final details of the contract are still being worked out, the show will begin airing October 2, 2007 with 13 consecutive episodes airing each Tuesday.

The 13-part docu-drama series will be showcasing the lives, personalities and culture of the sport of paintball. The viewer will see the players as people before they see them as athletes. By using a wide spectrum of features, the show will breakdown the paintball industry with segments on globalization, Hollywood appeal, as well as the business of paintball and technology.

With a new episode each week, the shows will air Tuesdays from October 2nd, 2007 – December 25, 2007 at 4:30 PM in all time zones.

The production company partnering with the NPPL, Winnercomm, is America’s largest producer of live sports programming, supplying over 1,500 hours of programming annually to 16 national television networks, and has earned 14 Emmy Awards.

FOX Sports Net, owned by FOX Entertainment Group, provides regional sports programming to 85 million US households through more than 20 owned or partially-owned regional cable networks. FOX Sports Net owns the rights to air about 65 pro teams of the NBA, MLB and NHL as well as several collegiate and high school teams.

The next National Professional Paintball League event will take place in Boston, Massachusetts July 13 – 15, 2007. For more information on the event or to register your team, visit or call (909) 230 4388.

Many more details surrounding the show will be coming soon – stay tuned to, and for all the exciting developments.

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