Yes, it’s true! Bad Company has infact purchased Dallas Elite’s NPPL Pro Spot, for a price of around $40,000.00 USD. Bad Company has played Semi-Pro the last 2 years, and is going to have to work their asses off if they want to stay pro next year. D
allas Elite will be continuing the year in the Semi-Pro division, as they didn’t do to well in Pro, causing them to be 17th place out of 18 teams, meaning that if they did not step up their game, they would be bumped down to Semi Pro (Bottom 3 Pro teams go to Semi-Pro, Top 3 Semi-Pro teams get bumped up to Pro) I expect big things from this team, as they added a bunch of old players after the Arsenal split. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
See ya at Boston!
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Yes, it’s true! Bad Company has infact purchased Dallas Elite’s NPPL Pro Spot, for a price of around $40,000.00 USD. Bad Company has played Semi-Pro the last 2 years, and is going to have to work their asses off if they want to stay pro next year. Dallas Elite will be continuing the year in the Semi-Pro division, as they didn’t do to well in Pro, causing them to be 17th place out of 18 teams, meaning that if they did not step up their game, they would be bumped down to Semi Pro (Bottom 3 Pro teams go to Semi-Pro, Top 3 Semi-Pro teams get bumped up to Pro) I expect big things from this team, as they added a bunch of old players after the Arsenal split. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
See ya at Boston!